Venu Naturopathy


Niranjan Marjani

Niranjan Marjani

About Niranjan Marjani

(The writer is a political analyst and researcher based in Vadodara, India. 

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India and Sri Lanka need to circumvent irritants, focus on diversification of ties

India could reset its approach by engaging with Sri Lanka as a country in the Indo-Pacific region and not just as a neighbour.

The maritime dimension of the India-Pakistan conflict

With geopolitical rivalry in the Indian Ocean Region intensifying, China and Turkey are exploiting Pakistan’s troubled relations with India to push forward their own strategic interests, writes Niranjan Marjani for South Asia Monitor 

Pakistan’s geoeconomic strategy is riddled with self-inflicted challenges and policy contradictions

Instability in Afghanistan along with the discord with Pakistan does not augur well for South and Central Asian connectivity, writes Niranjan Marjani for South Asia Monitor

India and Pakistan: Can they ever shed the 'enemy' tag?

Over the course of the past one month, there has been a series of overtures between India and Pakistan which are being construed as steps towards re-establishing a semblance of peace between the two countries